Against Seasons and Ragnaroks

The worst part of the Norse myth is its Ragnarok. The Greco-Roman world in contrast had immortal Gods. Eventually many of them did not deserve this distinction—Homer was far too “democratic” with them— but at least through it all Apollo was understood as immortal and likewise, implicitly, the race he embodied. This is true even if he eventually suffered unacceptable slurs.

It is offensive enough that Norse myth suggests an inevitable war between members of our race, particularly over a Jewish Balder. Who dares prophesize, nay, even suggest such things and yet live to tell the tale?   Our real objection is to its suggestion of an inevitable civilizational decline.

The conflict of our race is against the environment of our universe and the necessity to master it to ensure the expansion and immortality, not merely of our race, but our species, which always should be developed toward its highest element, the Hyperborean.  This is the target of our energy, our religion is merely the focusing of this light, the developing of this highest element for the task.   Such a challenge does not need, does not allow seasons.

There will remain always an instinct to degenerate, a cowardice, a corruption, a “fascination” with the fascinus and a fear of a personal death. Our Myth and Religion is developed and will be developed to address this and to bend these instincts and energy, sexual and survival related, in a productive direction. We look to end seasonal declines.   To be the sun and not the vine.  To gain and further only.

We Apollonians end the cycle.  We are not “sapping trees” and “water” subject to “the cycle”, to Terra’s earth, to the salt of the dead sea, to Bacchus bindweed vines or winter or even to Vulcan and Prometheus’ fire.   We are composed of something far mightier, life giving and dangerous.  We are the immortal sun, the creator and determiner of the cycle.  With us there is no cycle.  In Rome and Greece, the gigantomachy, the Titanomachy, the “Apocalypse” was in the past not as in Norse Myth or Christianity, the future.

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Apollo slaying Python.  We are the immortal sun, the creator and determiner of the cycle.  With us there is no cycle.

This is despite the “profound” rumination of thinkers who consider us to have a “cyclical notion of history” as opposed to the “Jewish linear notion” of history.  Ah, yes, very “wise”! This is true despite those who can’t give up the dour Spengler who in truth had one or two good lines and a nigh unreadable section on “profound math.”

Yet it is Daniel’s God who is the God of Time, who declares of him: “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.” Chronus, the Greek God of Time, was correctly conflated with Cronus or Saturn. After all, Jupiter would gain his immortality and the immortality of our race, Apollo, by over throwing Saturn, by becoming “timeless.”

Quintus Lucilius Balbus wrote:

“By Saturn they seek to represent that power which maintains the cyclic course of times and seasons. This is the sense that the Greek name of that god bears, for he is called Kronos, which is the same as Chronos or Time. Saturn for his part got his name because he was “sated” with years; the story that he regularly devoured his own children is explained by the fact that time devours the course of the seasons and gorges itself “insatiably” in the years that are past. Saturn was enchained by Jupiter to ensure that his circuits did not get out of control, and to constrain him with the bonds of the stars.”[1]

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Saturn devouring his children.  “By Saturn they seek to represent that power which maintains the cyclic course of times and seasons. “

Indeed, it was from the earthly Semite whence came the salient myths based on the seasons, agriculture, partly to gain support and dissemination among the common man, through a metaphor to which he might relate.

Jews have the cyclical sense, the expulsion and the return, the expulsion and the return, the Garden and the Apocalypse.  Because lies always unravel, Jews have a beginning and they have an end. They curse power until they attain it and then what do they say?  But we do not lie hence we have no end. When the earth of this sun burns out, we on our new home will find the metaphor for our race in another sun, in the immortal race of suns. We will construct suns if need be.

Some men, it is certain, need to believe in seasons. Their unconscious feeling is because if I must die so should everyone and everything else, none should escape my problem! How great especially to die in a great war! These selfish, cowardly men we will breed out of existence, flesh and spirit.

Further a notion of “Seasons” gives “hope” during Kali Yuga’s.  But hope is one of the evils of Pandora’s box and lastly the remedy to the rest. It is a vice of hopeless, hapless and helpless mortals. Understand this: We don’t hope, we do.  We are not changed, we change.

Hope is an evil.  The final evil of Pandora’s Box.   We do not hope.  We do. 

Every man has the night and weekends to rest, if he so chooses, but our race itself does not require rest, does not require seasons.  If one man falters, let a younger stronger man fill the breach. Our energy, if it has been for a long time misdirected, is unlimited.

But the seasons are natural people will say? What is natural about this profound, careful, subtle effort by Jews to weaken us? It is natural to them, but the weakness with which they have successfully inflicted upon us, is not natural to us. Hence these seasons are not natural.

Sure, we may have suffered setbacks, we will suffer them in the future, but from each we will emerge wiser and stronger, whereby we gain an immunity to an adversary or disease.

Here we will learn a trick or two, such as, for example, the wide scale conscious deployment of AIM (Aryan Inner Moralization). Yet we do not require rest.  We claim again the earth, the universe and all that is in it with our gravity merely because this is what we decide.   We are the Alpha and Omega.

We are the last man of history.  Not the son of man, the son of Jupiter.  We are forever youthful, immortal Apollo. They are mere satellites in our orbit, byproducts of our birth, the Omphalos which we own but not the center, we are that. It is meaningless that a man dies but everything that our race prospers eternally.

“World view,” Religion and abiding Art are Sacred Metaphor.  Sacred Metaphor is a life-model.  If our religion or World-View describes us as a seasonal exploitable crop beneath a Saturnian harvester like the “Son of Man”, we become that.  If our religion or World-View describes us as an immortal unchanging solar god who lives above this harvester, who rules him, we become that.  We return to a religion that describes what we are.

[1] Recorded by Marcus Tullius Cicero and translated by P.G. Walsh, De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods), Book II, Part ii, Section c. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 69-70


8 thoughts on “Against Seasons and Ragnaroks

  1. The idea of restoring a linear sense of myth through a truly Faustian celestial symbolism outside and above nature is fascinating. A new Sol-Invictus is just what we need.

    As it relates to your recent discussions on Norse mythology, within the Germanic tradition I have read that there existed a religious tradition known as Irminism, predating Wotansim which was apparently a result of Greco-Roman and eventually Christian cultural influence. Some blog posts on the subject are below and I was curious as to your opinions on the argument presented.


  2. Yet again, very interesting.
    You state: Such a challenge does not need, does not allow seasons.
    Living at 60 degrees north, and having lived even further north I can well understand the need to try to explain the existence as something that has to go through periods that are rather dark. As if nature needs to rest for a while and come back even stronger. Much the same as you do when going to bed at night.
    But I like the way you challenge the concept of Ragnarok (even if I find Peter Nicolai Arbo’s painting of the Oskorei fascinating). In an itself it indicates downward cycles towards destruction, and hence very negative on behalf of our people. It stinks of a semitic overlay.


    1. Thanks again. Yes, the argument is that we should view ourselves as above seasons – if anything the controllers of them – rather than the subjects of them. In short, we should understand ourselves as solar. The Jewish or Saturnian God takes this position (of being a controller of seasons) whereas we seem to get trapped in their metaphors, as passive subjects. Rest need occur on an individual level but there is no reason it need occur on a racial or civilizational level. This we should be interested in solving rather than being prodigally loyal to something that is ultimately a man made metaphor. But this is argued in the article.


  3. Indeed, their continuity versus our seasonal waxing and waning is apparent and we see advantages to their continuity. Our continuity, in contrast, can represent a continuous progression and improvement.


  4. If hope is an evil, why was it not released when Pandora opened the box? Isn‘t that indicative of hope being the only good thing in the box?


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