The BGC Part VII: Judaism as PUA Cult & Barriers to Aryan men in Judaism

Through two techniques, manufacturing a sense of elitism and seeking to build a store of women, Judaism might be understood as a collective PUA cult writ large.[1] To wit the conventional wisdom of PUA instructs the man to always maintain an air of aloofness and relative disinterest and to always have an auxiliary woman, so as never to feel and therefore appear desperate.

Here, again, every Jew, ostensibly reserved for a Jewish woman, has the allure of the married man, which is more impressive in degenerate conditions. But with Judaism the pretend endogamy has a second function, it mollifies the Aryan male instinct to defend Aryan women.

In fact, the fake hesitancy of Jews to take Aryan wives or lovers convinces the Aryan man that the Jew is descended of worthy men and is worthy of his sister. Likewise, in the sexual market, Judaism appears as “counter-branding,” where realizing that Judaism is incapable of producing a competitive Apollonian type vis-à-vis Aryan competitors, it wisely produces a more “mysterious,” indirect or deceptive type. This, in the end, is the seed of “Mystery Religion” in general.

This Semitic Bride Gathering Cult is imitable for our purposes in the following manner. To wit a Religion should serve primarily in providing the best breeding options for men. Like Judaism, it requires Art, Parable, Models and artfulness to do this. One of the leading reasons it requires these “trappings” and, in the case of the Apollo cult, beauty, is precisely for the seduction of women. However, it is likewise obliged to provide Kouroi or the best breeding options for women. This is where Judaism is deficient.

On these grounds, the cult of Apollo stands in contradistinction to Judaism. There Apollo is known as “the Protector of Flocks.” Hence the cult is at once a eugenic cult, concerned with amelioration, seeking to match the best Kouros with the best Kore, brought together by the far seeing archer Apollo, the “sighted Cupid.” It is one concerned with the protection of these flocks.

Here growth is from “within,” not as with Judaism which is often from without. Only in Apolloism is it actually the case that the Religion and the Race are continued through the mother if also the father. Likewise, in the Apollonian cult, the belief in “chosenness,” according to the common understanding of that term, and elitism is real and justified. This is seen by the simple fact that racially conscious Aryans are never seeking entry into Jewry or other groups but rather seek to exclude other groups by a mere necessity of survival and amelioration.

Richard_Westall_-_Faust_and_Lilith (1).jpg
This Semitic Bride Gathering Cult is imitable for our purposes in the following manner. To wit a Religion should serve primarily in providing the best breeding options for men. Like Judaism, it requires Art, Parable, Models and artfulness to do this.

Barriers to Aryan Men in Judaism

As the genetic studies bear out, many more Aryan women will inflow into the Jewish tribe than will Jewish women into the Aryan tribe. The barriers to Aryan men entering Jewry are the following. First, Jewish women are less beautiful than Aryan women on average, at least during healthy conditions. Indeed, the JEM frequently admits Aryans as the more attractive race. Hence this is no slight from our side but a reality understood by both groups.

Second, Aryan men encounter a palpable primal hostility to a genetic competitor from covetous and emotionally intense Jewish men. Whereas the Jewish man, always the trader, is eager to “take” from the Aryan man, he is reluctant to “give,” unless he perceives benefit, whether through the building of alliances or, as a daughter’s Father, the gaining of desired genes. Still, he senses instinctively, ceding patrilineality is a dubious proposition. Hence, a greater selectivity appears among Jews, which is in its way admirable. Hence, again, the Jewess becomes overvalued.

Third, the Myth of Jews as being matrilineal will secure the fealty of a great number of Jewish women whom likewise, through the Myth of “Chosenness” in its exoteric understanding, have grown to subtly or even overtly despise Aryan men as inferior. Again, Jewish matrilineality ostensibly permits the Jewess to marry out. Yet it is designed to flatter and indicate, falsely, that Jewesses are accorded an honor place in Judaism. Instead, it grants implicit permission to the Jewish male to marry out.

The Myth of Jews as being matrilineal will secure the fealty of a great number of Jewish women whom likewise, through the Myth of “Chosenness” in its exoteric understanding, have grown to subtly or even overtly despise Aryan men as inferior. Again, Jewish matrilineality ostensibly permits the Jewess to marry out. Yet it is designed to flatter and indicate, falsely, that Jewesses are accorded an honor place in Judaism.

The Myth of the matrilineal Jew likewise serves to repulse Aryan suitors who are unnerved at the prospect of having children that are effectively not their sons. Naturally, none of this is admitted in this day when it is, in fact, consciously perceived. And, of course, there is that monstrous, primitive, African-level shamanism known as adult circumcision, even if it has been reduced in this day to a gratuitous humiliation.

The Aryan woman, on the other hand, merely needs to take a bath called the Mikvah, albeit in front of three witness. The number three as indicated is a reference to Jewish sexual possession or insemination. Here we find also the Norns at the Well of Urðr in Norse Myth.

Granted, there is ostensibly some “humbling” involved here but nothing upsetting or immodest to the mentality of a woman who would casually throw off the tradition of fathers and subjugate herself to the alien tradition of Judaism. Of course, the Jewish promotion of degeneracy, as we will discuss, is part of the process of degenerating women to such a state.

The symbolism here is identical to that found in Christian baptism which is a reference to the union of Aryan and Semitic blood, as this book explicates. In the Mikvah, when the Aryan woman is immersed and then emerges, she essentially becomes Venus emerging from the ocean, now cut off from her Aryan sky father Caelus.

She ultimately emerges into the arms of the Semitic Adonis, Bacchus, Mercury or Saturn. The corresponding male circumcision is a reference to Saturn’s castration of Caelus or earlier mythical depictions of the same phenomena. This is a subject to which we will return.

As to the Religious non-admixing Jewish man? In general, the Religious Jewish man, often physically and/or socially unattractive, is “Religious”, because he is otherwise untenable in the broader mating competition. Naturally though his religiosity is positioned as a choice, both externally and to himself, comporting with the ersatz pride of Jews generally. Here we have the high school nerd “who wouldn’t want to be popular anyway.” And certainly, generations of such homely men have been bred and artificially sustained as a consequence of this defect in an Aryan mating market known as Judaism.

 In general, the Religious Jewish man, often physically and/or socially unattractive, is “Religious”, because he is otherwise untenable in the broader mating competition. Naturally though his religiosity is positioned as a choice, both externally and to himself, comporting with the ersatz pride of Jews generally. Here we have the high school nerd “who wouldn’t want to be popular anyway.”

[1] PUA or Pick Up Artist or pick-up community is a male movement, originating in the 1970s, devoted to teaching men skills or techniques to seduce women. One of its underlying premises is that modern society has greatly damaged women’s value as viable wives and mothers, yet has rendered them sexually available to “Alpha” males and men utilizing “game” or seduction techniques. Segments of the movement understand these seduction techniques as valuable toward gaining a viable wife.

4 thoughts on “The BGC Part VII: Judaism as PUA Cult & Barriers to Aryan men in Judaism

  1. In either ‘Jewish Wars’ or his diaries (I don’t remember which), Flavius Josephus in detailing the community of the Essenes says there were ‘orders’ dedicated to producing ‘born Jews’. Judaism, like Sunni Islam, is the personal patrimony of a particular set of families who trace their descent from an apical ancestor. That’s almost surely one of the points of endogamous Jewish communities. To protect the line of priests by maximizing the amount of documented theoretical applicants as possible. So the ‘born Jews’ produced by their various religious ‘orders’ aren’t necessarily just cast offs who can’t hack it as bride thieves.


    1. I say in “general.” LOL. But who knows the truth in every case. We don’t have to go back to Flavius Josephus, maybe the least reliable Roman historian. Religious Jews today regularly lament out-marrying Jews. Though certainly not as loudly or as seriously as they might any Aryan group desiring to exclude them – that would be grounds for war, possibly world war.


  2. I point out the distinction for the purposes of highlighting a division in Jewish society, and how a segment even then were responsible specifically for breeding for the purpose of having a selection of candidates for priesthood to choose from. I think a lot of people have a hard time understanding “anti-semitic” critiques because they project their moral universalism onto the subject, and expect to find a monolith wherein a single moral rule is applied to all Jews by some ‘Organized Jewry’ and of course they easily find that this isn’t the case and hence ‘debunk’ the critique.

    This kind of organization wherein you have different communities who all follow different moral paradigms but all remain a part of a single ingroup isn’t something most of our people can wrap their mind around. Their perception is going to be that you have one group of Jews who are following the rules and one who are not. Josephus (who I think at least on this subject which doesn’t rely on casualty reports is reliable enough) is a rare source which details a situation wherein Jews subdivide into segments living radically different lifestyles guided by different moral obligations to pursue a strategy for the benefit of their singular community.


    1. I acknowledge in this study on what I have termed the Bride Gather Cult, that clearly Judaism has an endogamous element. But this is advertised in an exoteric manner by Jews and is the least remarkable aspect of this cult. Rather what is remarkable about this cult is that this exoteric endogamy tends to veil the exogamous bride gathering aspects of this cult. Hence this series of essays. Obviously, if there was no endogamous element to Jewry, they would have dissolved. These last few lines are developed to help understand how this cult may have developed and why it still persists today – what is the mentality here. I think it strikes an important, even humanizing note, infrequently considered.


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