The Promotion of “Inevitable Diversity”: An Ancient Pattern

By now, Jewish promotion of degeneracy whether through Academia, Politics, Hollywood or the closely related pornography industry, is well known. Yet we will find this intention as well encoded in the JEM. Here, again, varying degrees of sublimation are deployed with messaging that promotes the same goals.

However, the idea that Jews have promoted degeneracy and even race mixing since ancient times as a means of weakening ruling adversaries, Aryan or otherwise, is told to us directly in the Hebrew Bible. This, as well, as the means by which they accomplish this.

We have already discussed Jacob’s effort to darken Laban’s flock in Genesis.[1] The parable of the tower of Babel[2] lays bare a Jewish desire to level Aryan civilization and accomplishment through the disruption of unity through the disruption of communication, as this study explicates. Yet the Jewish understanding that the “darkening of Laban’s flock” does, indeed, kill civilizations and this is part of a Jewish effort, is laid bare in Daniel Chapter 2. In other words Jews indicate themselves as entirely undeceived as to where such breeding leads.

The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar is typically guessed to be a Semitic ruler, or Chaldean more specifically, with some scholars speculating he was a native Mesopotamian. Here though the consideration is culture and language. His precise race is anyone’s guess with the understanding that, uniformly, the fairer or more Aryan among any group comprise the ruling class. Likewise, as Gobineau identifies, Aryans are founders. They are also the leading caste for any period that a civilization remains a viable world power, prior to a Semitization and an inevitable decline, a pattern even the parabolic Deuteronomistic history acknowledges, with figures like Solomon.

Regardless, we understand that the Book of Daniel, while set in Babylon, was likely written around 164 B.C. where it was intended as a polemical metaphor against the Syrian Greeks. There the symbolism treats Nebuchadnezzar as an Aryan figure as this book will discuss. Dreams in Daniel Chapter 2, for instance, equate him with the golden head of a colossus. Chapter 3 features a golden idol of the king whom Daniel refuses to honor. Chapter 4 equates Nebuchadnezzar with a huge tree. Both Gold and arboreal references will appear in the JEM as Aryan signifiers.

Daniel describes a great metallic colossus in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The colossus functions as a metaphor for a succession of civilizations of men. At the top is a golden head, representing Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. Gold, in the color symbolism, again, represents the solar and the Aryan. Additionally it seems likely that the colossus is itself a reference to the famous Colossus of Rhodes which collapsed during the earthquake of 226 B.C. Indeed, this was a statue of the Aryan Solar deity Helios.

In Daniel Chapter 2, the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, has been tormented by troubled dreams. He demands, impossibly, that his wise men, of whom Daniel is among, reveal to him the contents of his own dream and then interpret it. Only Daniel will succeed in this. Though even in this detail we find a parable not to be taken literally.[3] Obviously Daniel is deceiving Nebuchadnezzar with information he couldn’t possibly possess.

It’s not that Nebuchadnezzar has had the dream that Daniel will describe, it’s rather that Daniel has intuited the anxieties of a ruler, particularly as they concern his hopes for a legacy and continuance. Indeed, Daniel will do more. He will increase and augment these anxieties by forecasting Nebuchadnezzar’s lineal destruction.

Finally, Daniel will give Nebuchadnezzar an “achievable” goal, capitulation before the “immortal” Jewish God, whom, as this book indicates, represents Jewry as a collective. Indeed, here we find textbook JED. In fact, we might safely assume this parable has, for a long time, functioned in exactly this manner, as a textbook for Jews for “black-pilling” Aryan rulers. The message here is: give your racial competitors a prophesy of defeat and destruction.

Daniel describes a great metallic colossus in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The colossus functions as a metaphor for a succession of civilizations of men. At the top is a golden head, representing Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. Gold, in the color symbolism, again, represents the solar and the Aryan. Additionally it seems likely that the colossus is itself a reference to the famous Colossus of Rhodes which collapsed during the earthquake of 226 B.C. Indeed, this was a statue of the Aryan Solar deity Helios.

The lower part of the colossus is comprised of three other lesser metals, Silver, Brass and Iron, understood to represent the similarly doomed empires that would follow Babylon. Yet these are the very same metals found in Plato’s famous “Myth of Metals” [4] recorded around 380 B.C. Indeed, they are ordered here precisely as they are ordered in Plato’s republic, with Gold at top and brass and iron at bottom.

The Book of Daniel may be esoterically referencing the same idea there, if not Plato’s text itself. Each metal is understood as representing a class of men. We will see suggestion of a similar correspondence in the symbolism of alchemy where metals are associated with Gods whom in turn represent race and class types. Hence, I would suggest, another theme appears to emerge here esoterically. Here the parable is not merely about the “inevitable” decline of civilizations. It is about the destruction of classes which leads to this “inevitable” decline.

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The lower part of the colossus is comprised of three other lesser metals, Silver, Brass and Iron, understood to represent the similarly doomed empires that would follow Babylon. Yet these are the very same metals found in Plato’s famous “Myth of Metals” [4] recorded around 380 B.C. Indeed, they are ordered here precisely as they are ordered in Plato’s republic, with Gold at top and brass and iron at bottom.
Like the Colossus of Rhodes, Daniel’s colossus too is doomed to collapse. The reason? It has feet mixed of iron and clay. It is described thusly:

“As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle. And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.”[5]

At last Daniel describes the colossus being destroyed by a stone. Here the stone or “Bethel,” an important symbol of Judaism, as this study discusses, will then grow into a mountain filling the whole earth. Here you see contrasted, directly, the stone of Judaism, and the clay feet of the colossus. The clay feet of the colossus are a clear reference to miscegenation and, indeed, “multiculturalism” where elements will combine “in the seed of men” but “not adhere.”

Nebuchadnezzar, upon hearing “his dream” relayed to him, quickly capitulates before the Jewish God. It is much as Aryans are told now, “you may have no healthy lineal continuance on earth but at least you may be ‘moral’.” It’s an astonishing depiction that seems to confirm a Jewish intent or instinct to promote the mixings of other people from ancient times, while retaining a “stony” religious coherence and abidance themselves.

This clear anti-Civilizational message is imbedded as well in Christianity. It becomes most pronounced in The Book of Revelations as we will explicate. Embarrassingly, the Book of Daniel will become a favorite of Anglo-Saxons. Whether this is owed purely to an insensitive cultural dopiness or was especially the influence of imbedded Jews, is anyone’s guess.

In Daniel Chapter 2, Jews here are understood as “incepting” a mission into the Aryan mind, namely, failure. This prophecy of doom is of course JED. That it is inevitable that the world and European countries become “diverse,” multicultural or “mixed with common clay” is likewise JED conveying the identical sentiment. It is astonishing that Aryans still lug this JED around with them through the Religion of Christianity.

This is Barbara Specter’s “[Europe is] now going into a multicultural mode.” We should take this lesson from Daniel only: our parables should always prophesize victory over our competitors, whilst prophecies we give to our adversaries, should be prophecies of ruin and total disappearance.  The expression “Feet of Clay” should be understood as a synonym for “multiculturalism.”



[1] Genesis 30:25-43

[2] Genesis 11

[3] Daniel 2

[4] Plato, Republic, 415a WHICH EDITION?

[5] Daniel 2:43

7 thoughts on “The Promotion of “Inevitable Diversity”: An Ancient Pattern

  1. “The message here is: give your racial competitors a prophesy of defeat and destruction”
    Great article. It shows what powerful weapons doomsday prophecies are. I remember so many false doomsday prophecies which have been pushed in the past by the mass media like e.g. nuclear overkill, communist terrorism, the vanishing ozone layer, Y2K, dying of the forests, global warming. And now the inevitability of our demographic replacement because of muh economy.
    The effect on a society which is regularly bombarded with such prophecies is disastrous.
    Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

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