Apolloism versus Civilization-Ending Personal Salvation Cults

Only with Apollo is it clear that a conscious eugenic movement developed and for a period succeeded. It was one interested in maintaining a viable ruling stock. Indeed, in contrast, the caste systems of India were not eugenic. The Kshatriya were a Janissary class, the Brahmin priestly and Semitic in orientation. For instance, we find here a scribe, priest class placed above a warrior class. Yet should Martials rule?

Apolloism found the answer, with the eugenic, well-rounded Apollo. This founding type is to be promoted. In Hinduism, in contrast, the well-rounded Apollo was the “Purusha sukta” that the Hindus “abstracted” and divided to create their inferior specialized classes. From a Semitic perspective, Apollo is the Hyperborean Ymir of Norse myth, the monad of Pythagoreanism, where the higher Apollonian type is made an enemy but also a resource, the basis of everything.

As the priests of Christian Europe existed with Jews, the Brahmin existed symbiotically with Vaishyas, with the latter only ostensibly “low.” There they plied a ruse similar to Christianity, yet more transparent and crasser in the class envy it exploited. In Christianity Heaven is, ultimately, to be among the rich, to be with Cupid and Psyche or Christ and Mary at a great feast, to celebrate their love affair and the triumph of a Jewish ruse with great big cuckold grins. Yet in Christianity, this is sublimated, esoteric. In Hinduism this is actually explicitly promised to those who serve as useful slaves. According to the idea of reincarnation, in the next life they will enjoy “the feast on earth.”

hindu9-a (1).jpg
As the priests of Christian Europe existed with Jews, the Brahmin existed symbiotically with Vaishyas, with the latter only ostensibly “low.” There they plied a ruse similar to Christianity, yet more transparent and crasser in the class envy it exploited. In Christianity Heaven is, ultimately, to be among the rich, to be with Cupid and Psyche or Christ and Mary at a great feast, to celebrate their love affair and the triumph of a Jewish ruse with great big cuckold grins. Yet in Christianity, this is sublimated, esoteric. In Hinduism this is actually explicitly promised to those who serve as useful slaves. According to the idea of reincarnation, in the next life they will enjoy “the feast on earth.”

Nietzsche’s praise of this system, as with his praise of Islam, Buddhism, “evil Christianity,” a hierarchical Catholicism over a “peasant” Lutheranism and even occasionally Judaism, should, again, be understood as primarily a demotion of Christianity in general. Sadly, this must be said because there are those who still strangely believe Thus Spake Zarathustra was an endorsement of that deeply Semitic, fire-worshiping creed of Zoroastrianism.

Jews believe Zarathustra was a Jew and we have no real reason to doubt this. Even the grouchy Revilo Oliver, who understood Zoroastrianism as obviously “alien to the native tendencies of the Aryan mentality,”[1] entertained this possibility, finally settling on a “Bowdlerization Thesis,” presumably because this took a dubious credit from Jews.[2] Yet, if the wily Magi, those inconspicuous guests at Christ’s birth, described as masters of disguise and duplicity by Herodotus, were not Jews or proto-Jews, I know not what.

It’s for reasons like this—and India!—that the word Aryan becomes an inferior term to Apollonian. Again in India, as everywhere, we find advanced Aryan founders and advanced Semitic culture and Religion creators as “closers.” Indeed, the word Aryan, arising ultimately from the Greek, and applied to the eastern part of ancient Persia and its inhabitants, whom were of course racially Aryan in their origin is, nevertheless, an inferior term to Apollonian. After all with Apollo there was an effort to continue the Aryan type in an intelligent considered manner by promoting this Apollonian type, as opposed to a priestly, Mercurial type. Thus the official Aryans, at least Religiously and Culturally, represent a bad model.

Nietzsche famously observed, in his critique of Christianity, that placing the emphasis on the next life was dysgenic. It is the relinquishing of power and genetic inheritance on earth. Astonishingly we will even find references in the JEM where Nietzsche’s premise is confirmed by Jewish esotericists. Examples we address in the broader study occur in the first appearance of the Fantastic Four and the first appearance of The Wasp. In both cases, Stan Lee will esoterically describe Aryans as losing genetic competitors vis-à-vis Jews because of an actual fear of the “Cosmos.”

Tales_to_Astonish_Vol_1_44 (1).jpg
Nietzsche famously observed, in his critique of Christianity, that placing the emphasis on the next life was dysgenic. It is the relinquishing of power and genetic inheritance on earth. Astonishingly we will even find references in the JEM where Nietzsche’s premise is confirmed by Jewish esotericists. Examples we address in the broader study occur in the first appearance of the Fantastic Four and the first appearance of The Wasp. In both cases, Stan Lee will esoterically describe Aryans as losing genetic competitors vis-à-vis Jews because of an actual fear of the “Cosmos.”

Here we understand the Cosmos in the Religious sense as “aeon,” the “worldly life” or “this world” in contradistinction to the afterlife. The “aeon” may also mean “life” or “vital force” which would give it the same meaning as the Aryan Biblical Figures of Eve and the Mythological Psyche as this study discusses. This would connect it more closely to a sense of Bride Gathering. Aeon as well, though, may mean, significantly, “timeless” or “forever.”

In Hebrew, olam, עולם, is its equivalent. It means revealingly, “world,” “universe,” “existence,” “space” and also “eternity.” Hence, through Christianity Jewish competitors have consciously posited a false “eternity” for Aryans while pursuing olam or the real eternity on earth. In other words, Jews understand the here-and-now also as “eternity” or the “after world.” Thus they also understand, far more concretely than the Christian, their obligation to their offspring. This obligation, of course, includes first and foremost the acquisition of the best available breeding stock and the creation of a habitat or “society” that will sustain them.

This is why, for instance, a Jew may call himself a “secular Jew.” After all, in truth, Judaism makes no distinction between the worldly and the spiritual, correctly understanding “spiritual things” metaphors. This is why we may occasion to call ourselves “secular Apollonians,” if we likewise desire to “innocently” throw some intelligence-insulting remark at an adversary.

In Stan Lee’s parables he clearly indicates that the Aryan’s focus on a personal afterlife through Christianity as a decisive competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis Jews and one with racially mortal consequences. Likewise he clearly mocks Aryans for their fear in this regard and rightly. Here the Jew, indeed, can be said to be braver than the Aryan Christian and in a real or useful sense.

The Aryan soldier, whom Jews or proto-Jews have frequently tricked into battle on their behalf, has often been the less brave in the useful sense, blithely believing some Valhalla or Heaven reward for his sacrifice. Here we accept, as this study discusses, that unconsciousness is closely related to fear. In other words, we accept that the Janissary Aryan is, relative to the Jew or dominating Semite, unconscious.

He may, in moments, sense an injustice to his station, but he is too unconscious or really too afraid to follow his thoughts through, bravely usurp his master and direct his bravery, in a real direction, toward lineal continuance. It is true that his cowardice is of a collective body but nevertheless the atomized Aryan, dominated by the Semite, is more the coward than the latter. Only the Aryan who defies the competing Semite might be considered braver than him.

This understanding also obliterates the idea that the Aryans are the “empiricists,” while Jews the rationalists. Jews are certainly empiricists, as their JEM reveals. They merely strategically deny the evidence of the eyes as a means of “gaslighting” and “blinding” competitors.

I extend this understanding, which Nietzsche divined, and which Jewish esotericists have carefully hidden, to every Religion, Culture and Civilization that has ever existed. Here, of course, Egypt and its towering, pyramidal tombs are the most striking example. To bow to the hereafter, in lieu of Apollo, the Aryan race, is to bow to Semitic Pluto and his desires. It is to be led by the Semitic Mercury under. To worship death is to live life as an enslaved zombie, as one of Pluto’s shades, or it is to die. Hence Apolloism becomes civilization preserving. By Him civilizations become as He, immortal.

I extend this understanding, which Nietzsche divined, and which Jewish esotericists have carefully hidden, to every Religion, Culture and Civilization that has ever existed. Here, of course, Egypt and its towering, pyramidal tombs are the most striking example. To bow to the hereafter, in lieu of Apollo, the Aryan race, is to bow to Semitic Pluto and his desires. It is to be led by the Semitic Mercury under. To worship death is to live life as an enslaved zombie, as one of Pluto’s shades, or it is to die. Hence Apolloism becomes civilization preserving. By Him civilizations become as He, immortal.

That Aryans have survived Christianity at all, more or less, is owed to two factors. First it is owed to the unshakeable memory, charm and gravitational pull of antiquity and the Apollonian. Still we cannot relinquish this “sin,” he who is the opposite of the Moon God Sin! Indeed, behold, Apollo has saved us! What an invention! Second our survival is owed to Christianity’s greatest innovation and danger, its subtleness. Indeed, the subtleness it needed to ascend also has made it a slow working poison, which was at first merely a pleasant opiate, like multiculturalism. That is when it didn’t require the whip and the irons.

[1] The Origins of Christianity by R.P.Oliver, Historical Review Press

[2] Oliver’s footnote from the chapter “Zoroaster” in The Origins of Christianity say “The Jews claimed that Zoroaster was a Jew and wrote in Hebrew; see the texts cited and quoted by J. Bidez & F. Cumont, Les Mages hellenisés (Paris, 1973 = 1938), Vol. I, p. 50, nn. 3,4, and Vol. II, pp. 103-104, 129, 131.”


9 thoughts on “Apolloism versus Civilization-Ending Personal Salvation Cults

  1. “The Kshatriya were a Janissary class, the Brahmin priestly and Semitic in orientation.”

    How can you claim that all Brahmins would be Semitic? Brahmins don’t just include priests, they also include artists, philosophers, scholars, and dare I say mythmakers. According to Hinduism, that is just how society naturally is set up. The Brahmin would do the deep thinking and create the myths that directs the people towards an end. Brahmin is just a function in society, like traffic cop. In a healthy society that class would create AIM.

    I would argue that you, with the work you do, would also be a Brahmin. Your last name kind of indicates it.

    I would be interested in a full article on Hinduism, even though that doesn’t directly pertain to the book you are currently writing. That is the spiritual foundation of the east.


    1. “Brahmins don’t just include priests, they also include artists, philosophers, scholars, and dare I say mythmakers.” None of this would exclude them from being Semitic in orientation as my study explores. Jews and proto-Jews are master myth makers as we see even today. As far as philosophy, read here: https://theapolloniantransmission.com/2019/03/06/the-rise-and-fall-of-vulcan-and-greek-philosophy-as-deleterious/
      As far as addressing the Vedic or Hindu Pantheon at length? It comes up here and there in my writing. I may treat it at greater length in the future.


      1. Have you ever entertained the idea that Jews could have been a smaller group living within Vedic India in early history?

        Prior to Zoroastrianism, there was a schism between the Devas and Asuras. Thereafter, Zoroastrianism sprouted up adjacent to the Indus valley, with Ahura becoming the protagonist and Devas becoming the antagonists.


  2. The Apollonian temple should be a place of immersion in higher mathematics and physics. It is very meditative. Learning physics is the Apollonian practice par excellence.

    Mathematical ability can be monetized, so the Apollonian temple can be financially self sustaining and maybe even grow and spread.

    There is a maker space in Natick, Massachusetts nescitech.com. They have classes in electronics, ham radio, astronomy, woodworking and even tutoring in calculus and physics. We should meet up there in the context of taking a class, perhaps woodworking for starters. I have a ham radio technician license and am working on the test for the general. We should totally do a ham network.

    Do you agree that physics is the most purely distilled essence of Apollonianism?


  3. Apollo is an attractive deity and having one that fills the kind of a role you describe would be advantageous.
    But Apollo feels a bit foreign, also the name itself, a bit too Greek to a Germanic like me, i suspect many Germanic speaking men would feel the same.
    Why not go back and find a common root, the old “indo-european” sky god,
    —Tyr/Zeus/DeusPater=Jupiter — being different versions of the same name.
    Most knowledgeable people recognize Tyr, in norse germanic the word can simply mean any god in general, often used as a suffix.
    Just as Apollo he ha been slandered, with the deleterious and probably recent myth of Fenrir biting off his hand, but that could be ameliorated by a contradicting counter-myth.


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