Livestreaming and debating JEM with Christians

Recently I livestreamed on the Heel Turn network with “Kaiser Wayne” and “Joachim”, both wonderful guys, both believing Christians.  They were filling in for a cohost, Ed, who had prior commitments. I had hoped to delve into some of the symbolism undergirding Spielberg’s film Raiders of the Lost Ark but things would get sidetracked.

In hindsight, I realize that discussing these matters with believing Christians is next to pointless. I think that I was at least subconsciously aware of this from the get go and so moved into the discussion tentatively. Rather than imposing my vision, I was looking vainly to initiate a dialectic by asking impressions of the film and so forth.

After all, much of what I was about to discuss regarding the film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, would ostensibly be offensive to believing Christians whom tend to take Religious symbolism at face value. Indeed, a careful study of JEM reveals, for instance, the relationship of Christ and Mary, the Blood Wine, the Baptism and even the Crucifix, appearing in Christianity, as esoteric references to the intermixture of a male Jewish God and an Aryan Goddess. I’ve written on this topic and this will be explicated in this study.  Hence such ideas would be especially offensive to “White Nationalist” Christians.

“Kaiser Wayne” and “Joachim” are good natured people and proved good sports. They took it with grace. But, naturally, agreements would not be reached. Eventually  “Joachim” proffered the idea that Christianity itself was not (or perhaps not) a Jewish invention. In truth, this is simply a more radical take on a common Christian position that understands Christianity as essentially foreign or even antipodal to Judaism if, nevertheless, developed by Jews. Here, according to some understandings, a true faith splits from a corrupt one.

The problem, of course, as the reader may already sense, is that Jewish Esotericists encoding their art and parables with JEM understand Christianity in precisely the way I have begun to describe it. To wit, they understand it as a Religion with a Jewish fertility God at its center developed to demote or demoralize Aryans beneath a Jewish “Alpha” if you will. Indeed, the New Testament becomes a primary “matter” in contemporary JEM.  This is explicated and will be explicated in my study.

Then Freemasonry came up and things deteriorated further from there.  “Joachim” seemed interested in arguing that not all esoteric symbolism appearing in Hollywood, for instance, is Jewish in origin. Certainly I wouldn’t contest the notion that non-Jewish artists are also encoding their films with messaging. This is actually sort of a fundament of art in general. To wit, one encodes messages.

Though I would argue that non-Jewish artists are significantly less frequently encoding their work with REM or racial/ethnic messaging designed to moralize their particular group. Specifically “Joachim” was suggesting a Freemasonic or Illuminati origin to some portion, whether significant or otherwise, of Hollywood films and media.

A couple of things. Hollywood is understood as dominated by Jews. Jews and non-Jews alike understand this. No serious person questions this. Thus it would seem to follow that messaging is most frequently from a Jewish source and perspective. Further JEM  understands Freemasonry as a Jewish phenomenon authored by Jews. This is something this study reveals. Though the central Jewish symbolism of Freemasonry, where King Solomon prevails as the central figure, should make this especially obvious to anyone.

The National Socialists of Germany commonly held this view and moved against Freemasonry for this reason among others. That Freemasonry frequently employs other world symbolism, ostensibly non-Judaic, is quite beside the point. Indeed, Jewish Esotericists are as facile with the use of Freemasonic symbolism as they are with Greco-Roman symbolism which we see borne out clearly, for instance, in the comic book myths. In fact, I argue it is clear they are more facile with Greco-Roman symbolism than their Aryan counterparts.

Indeed, it is perhaps clearest to understand both Christianity and Freemasonry as antiquated forms of Jewish media, both of which have been rendered somewhat obsolete by modern forms of Jewish media. Now one is not required to go to a Church or a Lodge, he has a Church in his home, through the media he consumes.

In both cases, the instruction is “moral.” One might argue, for example, the FOX channel or “conservative television” has especially usurped the function of the Church or at least to the extent it is still interested in what is more commonly considered “conservative values.” Yet, of course, like the Church, it provides no cure to the sickness of the Aryan race, only a vague, esoteric, ultimately demoralizing, commiseration. It is, of course, false opposition.

In any case, discussions on JEM must be premised on these realizations. Of course, Christianity is Jewish in origin. Further, Freemasonry was only a tool, now grown largely obsolete. This is true even while the intelligent use of Freemasonic symbols still occasionally appear in media alongside symbols of other myth bodies.

With out basic premises such as this, any discussion of esoteric messaging appearing in media becomes impossible. It is rather like a “sphere cuck” discussing planetary physics with a flat-earth believer. It’s rather like a Christian theologian trying to carefully define this or that arcane point vis-a-vis an Atheist who occasionally says “Yes, but it’s absurd that a man rose from the dead, turned water into wine, walked on water and so forth.  Thus your premise is false.” No progress can be made because fundamental premises are denied.

Hence I will abstain from these discussions in the future in the context of textual analysis. People are, of course, free to believe in the Illuminati as a significant influence or that Christianity is not Jewish, whether in authorship or nature, but on these points, we are in irrevocable disagreement. And, of course, this decision is not an act of “censorship,” as such opinions are nigh ubiquitous on the internet. “Push back” to my ideas are free to appear everywhere.

Likewise, I am open to the occasional debate on say the Richard Spencer Show where it may be treated as the subject as opposed to a distraction from an intended subject.

I’ll be thinking of the future of this livestream with these thoughts in mind. Of course, I am grateful for the participation of “Joachim” and “Kaiser Wayne” in this discussion. Likewise, I am grateful for “Joachim” platforming The Apollonian Transmission. As good people, whom I’ve only recently met, I consider them fondly and I have no doubt they mean well. If nothing else this livestream helped me realize that a different course must be taken with the important discussions appearing here. As dissemination is better accelerated rather than delayed by unproductive, unbridgeable disagreements.











4 thoughts on “Livestreaming and debating JEM with Christians

  1. There is no proof whatsoever for the existence of a historical Jesus from Nazareth and hence his alleged existence itself is part of the dogma. Therefore any discussion about the origin of Christianity is always difficult.
    My criticism would be that I don’t think that Jews created Christianity out of thin air. I believe they took something which already existed and modified it until it suited their purpose. Christian tradition and symbolism have many things which are not rooted in the bible and are not Jewish in origin. Also there are still traces which show that a transformation of the original symbolism has taken place. Just take as an example the “Orpheus Bakkikos”, which shows the connection between Jesus and Bacchus.
    In that regard I would recommend the work of Francesco Carotta. He has done a lot of research on the Roman origins of Christianity. He believes that the judaization of the cult of Divus Julius started with Flavius Josephus after the Jewish-Roman war and the transition from the Julio-Claudian to the Flavian dynasty.
    Anyway, thanks for this interesting website.

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    1. Yes that is a standard “Bowdlerization thesis” posited by Aryan thinkers. The cults of Adonis and Dionysus, from which Christianity heavily draws, were understood as orgy cults or cults of prostitutes and loose women, yet interestingly Aryans, out of an ignorance of ancient cults, want to take credit for this. I bring forth evidence that indicates this and other early Dying and Rising cults, from Bacchus to Dumizid, as clearly Jewish or proto-Jewish. Hence my development of the term Proto-Jew – but you will have to read deeper on this blog or in my forthcoming book to gain a clearer understanding of this.

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  2. Hi Mark. Regarding the historicity of Jesus, and the mysticism debate, do you have any comments about Jesus’ unflattering appearance in the Talmud? Why would Rabbinical scholars go out of their way to excoriate a fiction character of their own invention? And why would they paint themselves in such an unsavoury light (‘you are of your father the devil”, etc.)

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    1. “Why would Rabbinical scholars go out of their way to excoriate a fiction character of their own invention?” Sammael, Gog and magog, Lucifer, the serpent in the garden of Eden, these are all fictional figures, yet demonized in Jewish works. Jews are entirely unafraid to villainize themselves esoterically in their work or to depict themselves as dirty, unclean or sinful. For example, the serpent of the Garden is clearly a Jewish figure as my study reveals. In the New Testament the goal is to demonize the ostensible Jewish separatists, the Pharisees, whilst to sacralize the Jewish admixers, the Christians. Hence its very obvious what the goal was, access to Aryans and their genes. Think of the Pharisees as Malcolm X and Christ as MLK. The Jewish media promoted the last of these two for similar reasons while conjuring Malcolm X as a frightful alternative.

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