Star of David, Power Rings, Crowns and Gold

The symbol of the Star of David is generally posited by symbolists as an Earth symbol. One’s first instinct is to guess this characterization as correct. After all it is posited as a reference to Jews, a Chthonic people. However even a cursory understanding of the symbol renders it more complex.

Here we understand that upward pointing triangle that forms one half of it represents air (🜁), while the downward pointing triangle the earth (🜃). This is consistent with alchemic symbolism, an essentially Jewish school of symbolism, which certainly would have been considered in the design of this symbol. Thus in some sense we have a picture of the Aryan Caelus and the Semitic Terra conjoined. By this token, likewise, it seems to represent all the universe or world, for example. This is starting to get at a final understanding of the symbol. It is incorrect, though, to view it as a symbol of androgyny, or the “androgyne” of God, like the Rebis found in Alchemy.

Rather, startling, the symbol is a reference to Apollo or Utu/Shamash. The indications are as follows.

  • It is indicated as a star. Here it references esoterically the sun.
  • It is six pointed which is almost certainly a reference to the Tipheret in the Kabbalistic Tree of life, a solar symbol.
  • It is understood as the Shield of David, protecting and serving David. To wit, it is not a symbol of David or the Jewish God himself.
  • It appears in the Israeli flag in the celestial colors of white and blue. [1] Here we understand “Israel” refers not to the tribe of Judah, but especially to subservient Aryans. Hence, likewise subservient Aryans are understood as the “Shield of David” or the shield of the Jews. Here as well is a theme of concealment as is found with the figure of the Angel as front man. This theme of concealment is corroborated by blue bands appearing on the top and bottom of the flag.  These bands are references to the tallit, a prayer shawl, that appears from the root word T-L-L, טלל, meaning “cover.”  The tallit, usually white in color, as this study discusses, is likely a reference to racial camouflaging whether through crypsis or racial intermixture.
  • The Star of David frequently appears upon the central branch of the Hanukkah candelabra, a branch which represents the solar god, Shamash. Here Shamash, a Symbolic Synonym of Apollo and the Aryan, is understood as the “servant” or “helper.” It is by this central flame that the rest of the candles are lit. Indeed, in Hebrew, Shamash, שמש, means “sun.”
Lit_Hanukkiyah_eight_and_last_night_of_Hanukkah (2).jpg
The Star of David frequently appears upon the central branch of the Hanukkah candelabra, a branch which represents the solar god, Shamash. Here Shamash, a Symbolic Synonym of Apollo and the Aryan, is understood as the “servant” or “helper.” It is by this central flame that the rest of the candles are lit. Indeed, in Hebrew, Shamash, שמש, means “sun.”

This last clue is a decisive indication. But, let us be perfectly clear, the Star of David is the Aryan, abstracted, stolen, possessed by the Jewish God. The irony is that like the Swastika, or at least as it is intended, the Star of David is a solar symbol representing us. Thus esoterically we understand the reason the Swastika or a like solar symbol deployed in an Aryan cause is offensive. It represents autonomy and liberation from a Jewish God. The Star of David on the other hand is the symbol of the Aryan enchained and enslaved toward the interests of Jews. Let us be objective and entirely rational. As a symbol it should be considered highly offensive to us.

In David Mamet’s 1991 film, Homicide, a Rabbi provides insight to this symbol when comparing it to the pentagram. There he explains the pentagram if fixed, locked in its designed, immutable, while the two triangles of the Star of David, separable. Hence, the abstracted Apollo or Shamash becomes something vulnerable to abstraction and deconstruction. He becomes the Purusha sukta of Hindu myth, the frost giant Ymir of Norse Myth or the Pythagorean monad. He becomes the divisible primogenitor and the exploitable resource. Likewise, the Aryan spirit, the Aryan psyche may be taken, the Aryan may be demoralized, Spirit may be separated from flesh.

There is more to the Star of David that is useful to us. In Medieval Jewish tradition the Star of David was associated with Solomon’s seal or Solomon’s ring. This association is symbolically consistent, as we shall see, and because of this consistency it doubtless originates from knowledgeable Jews.

Solomon’s signet ring was understood as being able to command demons and spirits, both good and evil. Here we should perceive quickly an origin of the freemason ring, after all we understood Solomon as the central figure in that cult. Likewise we see an origin of all the wealth producing rings in Norse mythology, whether Odinic or Dwarfish, which describe a Freemasonry or proto-Freemasonry esoterically. Tolkien seems to have perceived this. Indeed, the evil eye of The Lord of the Rings, Sauron, is perhaps a reference to the Eye of Providence in Freemasonry.

It’s evident that elements of the Myth of Solomon’s ring are taken from Herodotus’ account of Polycrates’ ring. What is perhaps meaningful there is that the Greek Polycrates is recorded as an especially staunch defender of the Apollonian cult. Indeed, in my estimation, this symbol of an all-powerful signet ring ultimately derives from a signet ring possessed by the monarchial figure of Utu/Shamash. Hence in the hands of Solomon, the ring represents the Semitic theft of an Aryan power, another “Jacobean swap” if you will. But there are deeper and more fundamental aspects of symbolism here.

In my estimation, this symbol of an all-powerful signet ring ultimately derives from a signet ring possessed by the monarchial figure of Utu/Shamash. Hence in the hands of Solomon, the ring represents the Semitic theft of an Aryan power, another “Jacobean swap” if you will.

For instance, the ring is doubtlessly a vaginal symbol. Hence the wearing of the ring represents birthright and the possession and control of women. In marriage rites, it seems likely to symbolize the union of the male and female sex organs. When the ring is indicated as gold it indicates the solar and the Aryan woman as our discussion of color symbolism will reveal. The king’s crown, of course, shares this meaning. The head as an esoteric phallic symbol will be explicated in our review of baptism, Religious anointing practices and laurel wearing. Hence Tolkien’s recommendation that we throw away the ring of power? This is terrible advice.

Indeed, this is the esoteric, unconscious reason non-Whites are so inclined toward the garish displays of gold. There are solutions for this. For instance, one day perhaps we shall outlaw the possession of Gold by other groups on the grounds that it represents RED (Racial Esoteric Demoralization) targeted at Aryans. Possibly we shall outlaw Silver as well, in general, as its possession may be suggestive of the lunar and a desire of civilizational collapse. Why not? After all, since the desire of other groups is clearly predicated on an involvement with us, since we are the Gold, we enjoy leverage in all matters.


[1] This color symbolism is explicated in this study.

5 thoughts on “Star of David, Power Rings, Crowns and Gold

  1. I hope I’m not unnecessarily repeating something you already know, but the 20 rings of Sauron might betray an even deeper subconscious understanding of JEM that Tolkien might have had.

    The three rings for the elves could symbolize a failed attempt at semitizing the most noble Aryans. This trinity consisting of two semitic elements (Vulcan’s fire in Narya and the castrated Anu’s sky-firmament in Vilya) and an Aryan element (water in Nenya)

    The seven (Saturnian) rings for the dwarves could also represent an amelioration of a semitic people, as they had only increased the dwarves’ wealth. The dwarves being creations of the Vulcanian Aulë who spoke a language that was heavily inspired by the Semitic languages.

    Finally, the 10 golden rings would symbolize a full semitization of a weaker Aryan type. Here 9 mortal Aryans are ruled by a Vulcanian overlord


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