The Sophistication of the Ancients

Some may imply that my “reading in” gives ancients too much credit, that there is something of the “New Ageist” in my analysis, where “ancient Myth contains all knowledge or wisdom.” That these myths are instead primarily subconscious manifestations whose meanings we may only idly speculate as a kind of pleasurable pastime. After all, the ancients were every bit as benighted as ourselves.

But this is decidedly false, as both my analysis and the JEM will corroborate. To be clear, I do not assert great numbers had access to the truths I reveal, nor will they have great access to them in the future. Instead, through every period, this access is limited to a “ruling” few.

In open and relatively “Apollonian” periods of Aryan dominion, perhaps, it seems possible that these conditions persisted because most men are incurious of these things, confidently leaving them to priests, scholars, and artists. This is practical. In relatively “Saturnian” periods, these truths are kept hidden because they have the power to overthrow ruling elites. Yet, on the other hand, these truths may not or would not be consciously destroyed, as they also contain the power to rule and psychologically dominate.

In open and relatively “Apollonian” periods of Aryan dominion, perhaps, it seems possible that these conditions persisted because most men are incurious of these things, confidently leaving them to priests, scholars, and artists. This is practical. In relatively “Saturnian” periods, these truths are kept hidden because they have the power to overthrow ruling elites.

The idea that myths rise willy-nilly from the “collective unconscious” as superstitious explanations for natural phenomena, or merely pleasurable stories with little decodable meaning, is often assumed because it is assumed that our ancestors were less sophisticated than we are. Yet this is clearly not so. And certainly they were not less intelligent.

Even if, as some have argued, the estimated IQ of some European populations reached a peak in the 1800s due to fortuitous reproductive conditions, we know the philosophers, playwrights, and early scientists of Greece, particularly during the fabled Age of Pericles, were no slouches. In Hereditary Genius, Francis Galton estimated their average IQ at 125, 10 points higher than the highest estimate of any known ethnic group today. It is perhaps an overestimation, but certainly we have reason to believe Greece was inhabited by geniuses.

Yet even looking into a pre-civilizational period, we might speculate a practical, problem-solving intelligence was perhaps even greatest in the wilds, particularly the northern wilds, where survival was the most difficult and stakes the highest. Why wouldn’t we guess, for example, a natural eugenics occurred there, where a balance of strength and intelligence, for which beauty bore evidence,[1] actually increased chances of survival. Man was in this environment especially alert, even if he was bereft of the large networks that constitute complex societies.

After all, we observe the wolf to be more intelligent than the dog, [2] at least in terms of self-sufficiency if not generally. Analogously, we might also guess that a pre-civilizational man, and thus a founding man, would be more intelligent, at least in some ways, than the settled, civilizational man. Nevertheless, in the organization of civilization, devoted to new problems, intelligence becomes “sophisticated.” More accurately, through a proliferation of population and shared information, it became “knowledgeable.” Yet it is unclear whether it increases along all lines. The myths suggest something similar with the Aryan Apollo, who was both the founder, ancestor, and Hyperborean, as well as a god of Intelligence. The clear Jewish desire to admix with an Aryan “firstborn,” as seen through their myths, as this study discusses,[3] suggests a similar genetic desirability among an Aryan founding group.

After the establishment of human settlement, intelligence weakens in some ways, improves in others, as populations grow and conditions become urbanized. Intelligence adapts to other things, primarily the manipulation of other people. I suggest it may become, in these early days, more verbal. The Japanese , a high-IQ urban people, are not as verbally gifted as they are gifted in other ways, yet cleaving to Gobineau’s theory of Aryans as civilizational founders, I argue their current racial form is not a meaningful consideration.  Indeed, the late stages of a kinetic Aryan civilization, however short-lived, may tend to select, at least among certain climes, for relatively docile, quiet, and industrious types dominated by “politically correct”[4] taboos.

Earlier, at the very onset of an Aryan and Semitic divergence or competition, communication, language, and symbol become of utmost significance. They have become a way of consciously weakening the alertness and intelligence of others, of directing them away from power, while masters of language and symbol seek it. This is “sophistication” that shares its root with the word sophistry.

It is true we are more “knowledgeable” than at any point in history. Yet knowledge is a cumulative element. It seems unlikely that we are more intelligent than at various times in the past, nor more sophisticated. This study will make plain that contemporary artists consciously invest highly sophisticated meanings in their work, which, while deducible, are often far from obvious. We will see as well that the ancients did likewise. And why would we guess otherwise? What we discover is an esoteric symbol language shared by both contemporary and ancient Myth-makers, millennia apart.

The myths suggest something similar with the Aryan Apollo, who was both the founder, ancestor, and Hyperborean, as well as a god of Intelligence. The clear Jewish desire to admix with an Aryan “firstborn,” as seen through their myths, as this study discusses, suggests a similar genetic desirability among an Aryan founding group.

[1] I return in this study to a discussion of the possible correlative link between beauty and intelligence. For instance, take the relatively high-IQ population of Scandinavia{Scandinavia / IQ}, where bloodlines are relatively pure. Where populations are relatively admixed, the correlation becomes weaker. Studies do indicate, generally, at least a weak correlation between facial symmetry or beauty and intelligence, as will be discussed.

[2] One study, tending to confirm earlier, similar studies, was performed at the Wolf Science Center in Vienna in 2017. It showed that wolves have a better understanding of cause and effect than dogs. Michelle Lampe, Juliane Bräuer, Juliane Kaminski & Zsófia Virányi, The effects of domestication and ontogeny on cognition in dogs and wolves, Wolf Science Center, Vienna, 15 September, 2017.

[3] See the chapter in this book entitled The Semitic Bride Gathering Cult: A Primary Purpose and Theme of J.E.M. From here follows a series of chapters dealing with this complex phenomenon.

[4] I use the term “politically correct” here generally and not as a reference to communist or multicultural societies or this or that particular taboo. The goal is to allow readers to imagine how such processes could progress.


8 thoughts on “The Sophistication of the Ancients

  1. Mark, I’m currently listening to the audio book of ‘The Golden Bough’. Have you read it? And have you studied any of Aflred Rosenbergs writings. I see some similarities in his thoughts and yours in his ‘The Myth of the Twentieth Century’.

    I agree with you totally that we need to revitalize an Aryan religion that moralizes our existence our “will to power” if we are to survive in the coming centuries.

    Be well.


    1. Myth of the 20th century hits a similar tone by describing all Wester Civilization as a competition between Aryan and Semetic like peoples. Examples such as Rome vs Carthage. Even Rome vs the earlier Near Eastern Etruscans. However Mark, I think you could clear up many issues people have with your work if you state the geographic and biological origins of Aryans and Semetic peoples and when they first met. Are Semites a hybridized race from East Africa, the Levant or the Southern end of the Arabian peninsula?
      Concrete and less rhetorical answers would go along way in clearing up much confusion about your thesis.


      1. My thesis has no reliance on when and where Aryan and Semitic peoples “met” whatsoever. My thesis is an expansion of Gobineau’s. He posited the idea of Aryan civilizational founders, I posit the idea of Jewish or proto-Jewish closers. I argue this was the case in Sumer, Egypt and the civilizations that would follow. Is this straightforward answer too “rhetorical” for you?


  2. Hello Mark Brahmin, I contacted you about a certain person similar to you named Miles Mathis yesterday, but my email doesn’t seem to be working right now, can you respond here?


  3. Perhaps exact is more the word I’m looking for. Did proto Jews evolve from Aryan / Indo European migration into the Middle East and the subsequent urbanization that ensued? If not were proto Jews attracted to urban centers from neighboring existing populations that then hybridized with Aryans? Have you ever done any research into the Semetic / proto Jew geographical area and time of origin?


    1. My theory, based on the religion and economic modes of people in the near-east:

      Probable proto-Jews were early (pre-Mittani) Hurrians, Habiru, Hyksos. Possibly Phoenicians and Kassites. The geography of the area would have predisposed them to nomadic mercantilism.

      Before that, perhaps they came down from the Caucuses mountains. Genetic studies of Jews curiously remove Caucasus populations as variables to determine they are of “unique” origin. However, if you include Caucusus populations, they fit quite well with Jewish population genetics: there is a minority of haplogroup G and a large amount of J1. Historically, these haplogroups correspond to the spread of early farming and the ethnic cleansing of early Europeans from the levant. The Early European Farmers (EEF) nearly wiped out the fair-skinned (based on genome sequencing) Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG) around 7000BC.

      The most remote history of civilization seems to rhyme with the modern day. The earliest civilizations of the fertile river valley were reaped by the invaders from the surrounding highlands. Read about Naram Sin of Mesopotamia, and how he fought against the Umman Manda, destroyers of cities, only later to write others not to fight against them.


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