A Glossary of Terms

I’ve recognized the need for a glossary of terms. This glossary is a work in progress.  Right now it contains only a small percentage of the terms that will become relevant to our discussion.  It will be updated as I work through the manuscript.  Eventually it will be included with the books.  Please feel free to leave requests for terms you’ve read in my writing that remain unclear to you.  

Racial Esoteric Moralization (REM) – Racial Esoteric Moralization is the inserting of esoteric messaging into Art, Propaganda, Media, Religion and Myth as a means of moralizing one’s own racial or ethnic group. Here depictions of the sexual and racial success of one’s group is conveyed, esoterically, through the intelligent use of symbols so as to promote the same in the real world.  It has both an internal audience, comprised of perceptive in group members who can decipher the message, and external audience, comprised of in group and out group members whom are largely oblivious to specific messaging.  The operating theory is that “unconscious” in group and out group members are affected by the encoded message in the following manner: in group members are moralized, empowered and made potent and out group members are demoralized, disempowered and made impotent. It finds an especially potent form in the narrative arts, whether in Religion or “secular” media, but is not limited to this form.

Jewish Esoteric Moralization (JEM) – Jewish Esoteric Moralization is REM developed by Jews or proto-Jews for Jewish or proto-Jewish moralization and the demoralization of out groups, particularly Aryans whom Jews view as a primary foe and/or exploitable resource.  While commonly JEM depicts the success of Jewish or proto-Jewish type versus Aryan racial and sexual competitors, it may also take the form of promoting the sexual or racial success of non-Jewish, non-Whites versus Aryans.  The latter is a phenomenon explicated in this study.

Aryan Inner Moralization (AIM) – Aryan Inner Moralization is REM developed by Aryans for Aryan moralization and the demoralization of out groups, particularly Jews or proto-Jews whom have assumed an antagonistic position vis-a-vis Aryans.

Racial Esoteric Demoralization (RED) – Racial Esoteric Demoralization is a near synonym of REM.  It describes instances of REM where the demoralization of out groups seems emphasized such as when Jews promote a non-Jewish, non-White type over Aryan racial and sexual competitors.  Brahmin suggests though that expressions of group pride are inherently demoralizing to out groups.

Jewish Esoteric Demoralization (JED) –  Jewish Esoteric Demoralization is RED developed by Jews or proto-Jews for the purposes of moralizing Jewish or proto-Jews and demoralizing out groups, particularly Aryans.

Aryan Inner Demoralization  (AID) –  Aryan Inner Demoralization is RED developed by Aryans for the purposes of moralizing Aryans and demoralizing out groups, particularly Jews or proto-Jews. It’s preferable to use the acronym as the term itself is potentially misleading.  Aryan Esoteric Demoralization can be used as an alternative.

Roman Interpretation (RI) –  Roman Interpretation or Interpretatio Romana was the Roman method of interpreting the myths of foreign peoples.  Here typically a foreign God or symbol was correlated with a known and defined God within the Roman Pantheon.  Brahmin argues that this system developed among the Romans, in large part, as a way of demarcating, deleterious Semitic or underworld Gods from salubrious, Aryan celestial Gods. Contemporary JEM, for instance, regularly references ancient Chthonic Gods as “Symbolic Synonyms” of Jews, Jewry or the Jewish God.  Hence Brahmin posits that the correct decoding of Jewish Art and Religion is, in essence, the restoration and practice of Roman Interpretation.  “Brahminism” is Roman Interpretation.

The Jacobean Swap  –  The Jacobean Swap is a reference to Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49 where he assigns an identity and prophesy to each of his sons.  There he designates Judah the Lion and Benjamin the Wolf.  This is of profound significance as the JEM reveals Benjamin, son of Racheal, to be an Aryan as Brahmin’s broader study explicates. Here the Lion, traditionally understood as an Aryan identifier, associated with the Sun God Shamash/Utu in Sumer and identified in Hebrew as the Aryan through the word Ari, is reassigned to the tribe of Judah or Jewry.  On the other hand, the Wolf, a nocturnal animal of low prestige, as Brahmin’s study explicates, is assigned to the Aryan.  Brahimin argues a similar “humbling” took place in Greece where Apollo would likewise become associated with the Wolf.

The Caducean Phenomenon or Caducean Conflict –  The Caduceus was a wand held by the Semitic figure of Mercury.  It was comprised of a winged staff and two opposed serpents.  In myth Mercury would spin the staff as a means of enchanting or enthralling onlookers. The Caducean Phenomenon describes a tendency for Jews to develop or permit false opposition as an attempt to assert full spectrum control on social and political conditions. Caducean figures are also widely developed in Jewish Art and Religion through JEM presumably, in part, as instructive parable. Here the idea is that Jewry controls both “serpents” on the staff and therefore may retain control of the human herd.

In every instance, both sides of the caducean represent non-Apollonian deracinated alternatives, with one side (called the “left” in Brahmin’s analysis) appearing the more degenerate. Examples of false oppositions Brahmin cites are Republicanism and Democracy, “Conservatism” and Liberalism, Socialism and Capitalism, Christianity and Judaism, Christ and the Pharisees, Osiris and Set, Bacchus and Typhon, Adonis and Vulcan, Protestantism and Catholicism, Christianity and Islam, Islam and Judaism, Christianity and more obvious forms of degeneracy such as that typified by the ancient Bacchus cult. Here even Man and Woman or Men’s Rights and Feminism may be made oppositional forces as occurs in the Eden parable. Here Judaism is also understood as “deracinated” in the sense that it represents an admixed race and Religion interested in admixing selectively with desirable native stocks as Brahmin’s study indicates.

Promethean Transmission – Promethean Transmission is a theory of Myth, Religion and Culture transmission developed by Mark Brahmin.  It argues that frequently Myth, Religion, Culture and important Religious terms, formerly assumed “pagan,” have been intelligently developed by crypto-Jews, Jews or proto-Jews as a means of inserting JEM among frequently less symbolically or linguistically sophisticated Aryan or non-Jewish populations. Here the submission has been “ethnically anonymous.” The expression may be used to describe instances of JEM where the parabolist or creator does not submit the work as an open Jew.

Apollonian Transmission – Apollonian Transmission is the explication of Racial Esoteric Moralization through Roman Interpretation as part of an effort to make myth and symbol understanding universal.  Here the goal is to expose myth and symbol meaning and “level the playing field” as a means of disrupting JEM and as a means of making art, Religion and parable creation competitive.  Here the theory goes, if symbols are universally understood, than artists and Religion developers will be forced to be especially adept so as to win and hold the attention of an audience that now understands both their language and intention.  Hence Art and Religion remains Mystery Religion only to the young, uncultured or uninterested.  When the intention of JEM is understood by Aryan audiences it quickly becomes unappealing.

God-Masking – the practice of Artists or Religion developers of concealing an older character, figure or God in a new character, figure or God.  Such concealed figures are known as Symbolic Synonyms but may also be referred to as Avatars drawing from the Hindu understanding of that term.  The creation of Composite Gods from pre-existing Gods, where attributes represent references to earlier figures, is a closely related phenomenon if also worthy of its own term.

The Daphne Motif –  The Daphne motif is a motif appearing in JEM, whether developed consciously by Jews or otherwise. Broadly it shows the sexual rejection or failure of Aryan male figures in mating pursuits, whether these figures are identified as Aryan explicitly or esoterically.  In JEM it is developed consciously by Jewish Esotericists to psychically emasculate and demoralize Aryans. The term is derived from the figure of Daphne in Greek Myth.  The nymph Daphne, daughter of Terra and a Semitic figure, is a famous rejector of Apollo.  She was turned into a Laurel Tree to prevent her capture by Apollo.  Brahmin argues this myth, as well as other myths depicting the rejection of Aryan Gods, was developed in the ancient world to humble or demoralize Aryans in a racial and sexual competition.  The Laurel Tree that was supposedly placed at the center of the Apollonian temple as a wane reminder of Daphne is, according to Brahmin, one example of this effort to consciously demoralize.

Ingrained Symbol Response (ISR) – According to Brahmin,  REM appears to operate on an assumption of Ingrained Symbol Response.  This is the idea that established and often ancient meaningful symbols may be referenced esoterically and “understood” by the subconscious mind, while missed by the conscious mind.  Here the idea is that important and successful symbols have become ingrained in both the individual and collective subconscious and thus when referenced may trigger the intended response of those symbols, while carrying the same meaning.  Thus Brahmin argues that Aryan Artists should be applying this same theory in the creation of AIM so as to maximize its potency.

The Consumption Motif –  A salient and important motif in JEM is the idea of the Jew as a consuming God. This is expressed especially in the notion of the Jewish God as a fire God as explicated in Brahmin’s study. Here sexually desirable non-Jews and particularly Aryans are understood as consumable, whether food or fuel, such as sacrificial Rams, burnt offerings, unleavened (“pure”) bread, river fish, burnable wood, plant rosins, burnable olive oil, anointing oils such as myrrh and so forth.

The Frankish Motif  – In JEM we encounter references to Jews as Franks.  This appears often through naming convention where Jewish figures are given names that are forms of Karl or Frank.  Both name meanings suggest “freedom.”  Brahmin theorizes that the names hint at an esoteric Jewish understanding of Jewish power attaining after the fall of Rome through a subsequent Christianized or Frankish empire.  The names suggest, Brahmin argues, a Jewish theory of intermarriage among the Aryan nobility in addition to a general augmentation of Jewish freedom and power.

The Mason Motif – In JEM we encounter references to Jews as Freemasons.  This appears often through naming convention where Jewish figures are given names that are forms of Scott or Bruce or names that bear name meanings suggestive of freemasonry, such as surnames meaning craftsman, for example.  The name Scott, Brahmin contends, is a reference to Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  The name Bruce, Brahmin contends, is a reference to Robert the Bruce, alleged founder of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, doubtlessly presumed a Jew by Jewish Esotericists.  Suggested here, Brahmin argues, is the idea that not merely did Jews originate Freemasonry, they have remained at its controlling, cryptic center for its duration.  Brahmin’s analysis of the central symbols of Freemasonry furthers this case. 

Twilighting – In Islam, Taqiyya is the practice of dissimulation, of either hiding one’s faith or its conquering mission. Twilighting is an impotent form of “Aryan Taqiyya” practiced by the Aryan who is ostensibly concerned with Aryan continuance and amelioration. The metaphor is derived from the notion that Twilight is when the Sun hides. The Sun is a definitive symbol referring to Aryan man in both JEM and AIM.

Dawning – Dawning is the practice of AIM, whether manifesting in one’s Art, one’s patronizing of AIM infused Art and Religion, or in the manner in which one dresses in the morning and presents themselves to the world. Here the explicit first becomes implicit or esoteric. It is developed as a moralizing wink and nod, as a preparatory movement to moralize fellow Aryans and provoke the “irrational” and foolhardy response of adversaries. It is kinetic, moving in stages from esoteric to more explicit, from subtle to bold. It is active, not reactive, controlling and influencing the milieu it effects. AIM though is to be maintained through all periods so as to control the destructive seasons of Saturn.

Proto-Jews – Proto-Jews refer to Jews or what were Jews before they appeared in history under the name of Jew. Brahmin argues Proto-Jews are traceable in numerous Cthonic cults of the ancient world which Jews knowledgeably reference in their Religion and contemporary Art. These cults frequently shared an esoteric Semitic Bride Gathering theme as appears in Judaism and Jewish Art. Brahmin’s theory positing the existence of Proto-Jews in the ancient world is in contrast to a Bowdlerization Thesis that posits Jews as primarily “thieves” of earlier Religious cults. In the context of the Hebrew Bible, Proto-Jew refers to figures that essentially represent Jewish figures prior to the appearance of the figure Judah.  These figures include Yahweh, The Serpent in the Garden, Seth, Shem and Jacob, for example.

Bowdlerization Thesis – This is the idea that Jews cobbled their Religion together from existing pagan cults. Here the idea is that Jews or what Brahmin calls Proto-Jews had no role in the original formation or practice of these earlier cults as a group. Brahmin argues against it.

Semitic Bride Gathering Cult – Brahmin defines a Semitic Bride Gathering Cult as any Religiously defined Semitic group, whether Jewish, Christian or Islamic, existing in an Aryan territory.  Here JEM appearing in the Religions of these Cults reveals, clearly, a Bride Gathering motive where Semites are seeking the most desirable women of an inhabited land among out groups. Jewish genetics, revealing a mixed ancestry of largely non-Jewish matrilineal descent, reveals the success of this JEM. In Brahmin’s work the term Semitic Bride Gathering Cult is most commonly used to describe Judaism.

Sussman – a Sussman is an unconscious Jew.  In contrast to the conscious Jew and in particular the Jewish Esotericist, the Sussman has no keen awareness of the meanings encoded in JEM. Instead he is moralized by JEM in an unconscious manner, in much the manner Aryans are demoralized by JEM. While Jews, in general, are more attuned to ethnic conflict or more “racially aware” than Aryans, at least during periods when JEM predominates, it has to be assumed the Sussman or unconscious Jew comprises the main body of Jewry.  The term is derived from the name of a character appearing in the 2009 Coen Brother’s film A Serious Man.  There, esoterically, he is depicted as a Jew unwittingly killing or deactivating an Aryan Golem.  The name means “Sweet man” and suggests the unthreatening, ingratiating face of Jewry’s unconscious members.

Leah – The name Leah is an epithet for Jewesses.  The term is developed to remind the Jewess that she is Leah the “unloved” contrasted with the Aryan figure of Racheal, her sister.  The beautiful Rachael (“ewe”) and mother of the Aryan tribe Benjamin is a clear Aryan figure as this study explicates.  While the less attractive Leah, mother of Judah or Jewry, is, essentially, the Jewish figure.  In Genesis Leah is known as the “unloved.”  Racheal is the clear favorite of the proto-Jewish figure of Jacob. The term is developed not to insult Jewesses but as an awareness raising activity, to remind them as to how their Jewish men regard them, as second best. It is developed to liberate them from the psychic abuse of the Semitic Bride Gathering Cult called Judaism.

The Melancholy of the Shohet – The melancholy of the Shohet is the use of tragedy in arts and religion as a means of demoralizing and pacifying an Aryan audience.  This term applies especially when a sympathetic Aryan figure is shown suffering tragedy and defeat.  The Shohet is the Religiously ordained slaughterer who kills the kosher animal.  He uses a keenly sharpened knife called the sakin.  The goal is to cut the animal so that it does not even know it has been cut. 

Pan-Culture – Pan-Culture is culture based on consciously crafted REM especially as developed through parables. It is both particularist, in the sense that it promotes a particular racial type, yet universal, in the sense that it has global power, reach, charm and appeal. Both Christianity and the Greco-Roman Religion, headed by Jupiter, are examples. The first is an example of JEM as Pan-Culture, the second an example of AIM as Pan-Culture, however imperfectly each may have developed.

Petty Culture – Petty Culture is culture that is derived from Pan-Culture. It develops in an unconscious manner, is relatively ephemeral and is regional in reach and scope. It is frequently developed by a racial group reacting unconsciously to the powerful Pan-Culture of another racial or Religious group. During the Christian period, Brahmin argues, Aryans were engaged chiefly in petty culture.

Feet of Clay – This expression is a synonym for “Multiculturalism” as is made clear in its usage in Daniel 2. “Feet of Clay” or “Multiculturalism” is understood in the parables of Daniel 2 as civilization ending.  Brahmin explicates this meaning in his study.

Post-Jew – It is perhaps probable if not inevitable that Judaism will be abandoned as a brand by the cult that calls itself Judaism today, understanding it as a “ruined brand.” Certainly this same group will try to form another cult operating with the same goals.  This potential group we will refer to as Post-Jews. As Judaism includes mischievous and moralizing references to proto-Jewish cults, it seems reasonable to assume a post-Jewish group would do the same. This would likely include references to Judaism and the myths there contained. It may even contain a reference to this term. The practice of Roman Interpretation will be required to identify this group. The production of AIM on a state level will be required to check the progress of this antagonistic cult. Historians will be required to make special notes on its development or progress to the extent conditions make the progress of this cult possible.

The Eden Proof – Apollo himself, “the enclosure,” appears in JEM and world myth as a clear synonym of the Garden of Eden, itself commonly a synonym for paradise or the Afterworld, metaphorical or otherwise.  Here we remember the Garden of Eden is the “gene garden” and a symbol of Aryan genetics. If the Aryan Adam has fallen, his way back is through veneration of Apollo.

Note on Glossary:

Here is an effort to develop a lexicon of which we are the masters, yet which is not itself mired in crude, ephemeral, misconstrued, ghettoizing “memes” whose obscure development and origin carries no lasting or civilizational import and less rhyme and reason.

After all, such a “lingo,” gathered democratically, lazily, promiscuously, often from a resentful herd of mixed quality, is ultimately of little useful reforming value. Likewise, it ensures one is never taken seriously or regarded formidable by an adversary he’s obliged to cow on all levels.

Rather the lexicon I present here connects us to the central and most important civilizational motifs, past and current, from a dominant, sophisticated, highly tendentious and knowledgeable position. It cleaves to definitive metaphors developed through the passage of human history to categorize phenomena, not jokey, ephemeral metaphors invented yesterday.

Words themselves here are not invented if now organized into meaningful terms that have been for too long absent. Rather words are extant.  Here true meanings are revealed. It is the use of these words and terms with an enlightened understanding of their actual meaning that now changes and not the words themselves.

Among some of us, at least, our derision of the adversary must eventually become more subtle, less crass, less understood by others, not because of the randomness of the language we use, but because of its refinement, erudition and nuance. By this method we will become more baffling and demoralizing to adversaries while forever hinting at the true meaning of the symbols and myths in which we are immersed.

If we accept Logos is “God” or, more plainly, Power, we are obliged to attract sophisticated orators who appreciate the precise and devastating use of language. A crude kant accessible to every Tom, Dick and Harry, may have some short term political value, provided it is not overly obscure, but it has no value to our most important project. To wit, our re-civilization and our move toward a global Aryan aristocracy which is, at this time, nascent.