The Bride Gathering Cult Part VIII: The Aryan Brain Drain

There is another aspect to this Semitic Bride Gathering Cult that is worth remarking on, as it undoubtedly accounts for the intelligence encountered among Jews. This we might call very simply the Aryan Brain Drain. Here Jewish money and/or economic connectedness and a “mysterious,” ostensibly exclusive Religion, facilitates a type of “brain drain” from an Aryan “brain resource.” Here intelligent, often “higher-class” Aryan stocks, charmed by an apparent racial pride, high intelligence, ambition or wealth, abandon their own “nation” in favor of another.

Indeed, the higher Ashkenazi intelligence is undoubtedly the consequence of a “cherry-picking” of relatively intelligent Aryan stocks. One obvious thing reveals this. No matter how intelligent Jews are relative to a “European average,” they are much more intelligent than any other group of Semites. Hence one might reasonably say we are their “better half.” Indeed, one sees this readily in the relatively low average Israeli IQs.

Here a relatively high Jewish IQ, now deprived of ameliorating Aryan stocks, reverts to the Semitic average. This too may also be the explanation for a suspected tighter “Asiatic” IQ distribution among Jews, to the extent this may be conclusively shown. In other words, it is not endogamy per se, but rather the Semitic element, operating as a kind of floor or anchor, preventing the development of true genius, while infusions of high intelligent Aryan genes ensure it is buoyed to a relatively high level.

Jewish money and/or economic connectedness and a “mysterious,” ostensibly exclusive Religion, facilitates a type of “brain drain” from an Aryan “brain resource.” Here intelligent, often “higher-class” Aryan stocks, charmed by an apparent racial pride, high intelligence, ambition or wealth, abandon their own “nation” in favor of another.

Then again, to be fair, surely this absence of true genius among Jews is also the consequence of a culture that is perhaps too ethnically cohesive, too nepotistic and “cushy.” It may as well be harmed by a covetous view of knowledge where it is decided some things must be kept secret. Likewise it may be harmed by the dubious, deleterious direction in which Jewish intelligence is often plied. Thus how many true geniuses that Jewry might produce may never be known. To be sure, the Jewish genius, as occurs for example in storytelling, is a collective genius where a shared symbol language is used. Yet now that this is decoded and will be plied on our behalf, this will no longer be a field in which they may easily distinguish themselves.

Regardless, a stark realization appears. Judaism is a eugenic black hole. Here it is fitting that esoterically, as we will discover, their artist consistently identify Jews with Chthonic figures such as Pluto, Saturn, Bacchus, Typhon and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. Even the Semitic figure of Prometheus is merely stealing brilliance from the sun, Helios or Apollo. If it were possible for Jews to live on after the disappearance of an Aryan stock, in a kind of perfect isolation, and not be rapidly assimilated among an East Asian genotype, Jews would invariably revert to a dimmer, purely Semitic race.

As it is, we can be sure that the Semitic/Aryan interaction, where Bacchanal or otherwise dysgenic “Christian” conditions invariably prevail, has been significantly deleterious to an average European IQ as well. This likewise doubtlessly accounts for the relatively broad distribution of the European IQ where generations of reproducing imbeciles may persist supported, if also exploited, by the productive segment of a Liberal or Christian society. Here, more generally, Semitic admixture (particularly in the Mediterranean) and even some Mongoloid admixture (particularly in Eastern Europe) has lowered the general level.

In other words, a sort of gene swap occurs between Jew and Aryan, where the Aryan, conditioned to a Christian or egalitarian creed, acquires the less intelligent Semitic genes and the unremorseful Semite the more intelligent Aryan genes. This is especially true when even lower, non-Aryan or lower grade stocks are introduced in the mix, through the advocacy of Jews, as a means of crashing the sexual market to cheapen desired stocks.

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If it were possible for Jews to live on after the disappearance of an Aryan stock, in a kind of perfect isolation, and not be rapidly assimilated among an East Asian genotype, Jews would invariably revert to a dimmer, purely Semitic race.

This has multiple consequences of which the loss of IQ, beauty, height and other desirable Aryan traits are just examples. Indeed, not merely is a raw biological intelligence taken, painstakingly gained knowledge is likewise taken. Taken and hidden from its creators! Again, Mercury is the God of Thieves! This is evident for example in one of the simple facts explored in this study. Namely, that Jewish Esotericists demonstrate an assured knowledge of Greco-Roman Myth through the whole Christian period to the modern age that until now was simply unavailable to the broader public. Here we see “wisdom” as opposed to intelligence.

Rather this knowledge was secreted away, locked in palpably profound parables which allude to it but never reveal it. Doubtlessly this knowledge was once possessed and in instances invented by our Aryan ancestors. Nevertheless, herein lies the tragic dilemma of Jews generally vis-à-vis Aryan civilizations and all their great treasures. Jews must ruin to obtain, thus to us, tragically, they become only destroyers.



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