Understanding Polytheism and the useless term “Pagan”

The term pagan should be retired so far as it hopes to describe any people or movement that have a will to power and an existential future. In its origin it refers to a “rustic.” Today it describes Christians insisting on the provincial lifestyle, huddled away from the Christianity-shattering ideas of the world as much as it describes the alcoholic or opioid abusing “Satyrs” whom, tragically, are but a generation or two more progressed.

European descended Christians today are akin to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Celtic lore, Faeries disappearing into the underworld. They are post-Ragnarok Light Elves having already served their purpose to a Jewish Aesir. Even if the word pagan is taken as a word that has evolved into a synonym for polytheist it is far too broad.

Indeed the distinction between “Monotheism” and polytheism is useless. For example, a hidden and open polytheism is expressed constantly throughout the Jewish religions. We see this esoterically expressed through numerology or other referential symbols and explicitly, through the acknowledgement of angels, the Mother of God, the Son of God, The Trinity, prophets, saviors and saints, let alone demons and Satan, “the enemy.”

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Indeed the distinction between “Monotheism” and polytheism is useless. For example, a hidden and open polytheism is expressed constantly throughout the Jewish religions. We see this esoterically expressed through numerology or other referential symbols and explicitly, through the acknowledgement of angels, the Mother of God, the Son of God, The Trinity, prophets, saviors and saints, let alone demons and Satan, “the enemy.”

A hidden and denied polytheism, as we will see, is the very JEM of Judaism and its tendrils. Akin to the God of Judaism, Apollo, the most talented of the Aryans and therefore of all beings, is the “Genetor” or ancestor, the fair Hyperborean god from which the others radiate. Hence Apolloism and the whole of the Greco-Roman system too is “monotheistic” to the extent that such a meaningless Jewish or “Greek” concept must be dealt with.

Hence a disciple of Bacchus, by whatever name, whether Christian or pagan, in whatever form, is as much a pagan as a disciple of Apollo. Hence the whole of humanity, whether they are aware of it or not, are “pagans.” By this evolved definition, it, in fact, describes nothing.  People who cannot be more specific, should not be taken seriously.

Polytheism as it existed in the ancient world does not imply in any serious sense a “loosey goosey” Unitarian worship of all gods, Greco-Roman or otherwise. Nor does it even imply the worship of all “Olympians,” although if it does imply the acknowledgement of those Gods that are “real,” the “forces” and cults that are to be reckoned with in the world, often degenerate and adversarial.

European descended Christians today are akin to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Celtic lore, Faeries disappearing into the underworld. They are post-Ragnarok Light Elves having already served their purpose to a Jewish Aesir.

Nor does polytheism imply something Buddhistic, something interested in “balance,” in other words, a “democracy” between Apollo and “brother” Bacchus. Nor is it interested in recognizing the “complexity” of life. To the extent that Apollonian Art is obliged to become “mysterious” to charm, its goal nevertheless is toward simplification and clarification. Confusion on these points arise because we view Apolloism through a gauze of JEM that carefully developed around this God, hoping to overthrow him through cautious, cowardly steps.

Our objection to what we call “Manichaeism” is not that it seeks to segregate between “good and evil.” For example, we recognize clearly that the world can be partitioned in two, or, as the Pythagoreans depicted it, an Aryan monad and a Semitic dyad. In fact, we recognize that this is the most clarifying and useful partition. After all, here the dyad becomes a synonym for the expelled Pharmākos.

Rather, we object to an irrational, panicky, humorless, Eastern, feminine tone. We seek to eliminate evil, at least as Nietzsche redefined this term, to the extent this is achievable. Yet we seek to do this only effectively, soberly, confidently, reasonably, realistically, firmly and steadily, through all coming generations, with a master’s victorious smile and not, ineffectively, as some panicked, benighted, superstitious, uncertain and wild-eyed slave still questioning the evidence of his eyes.

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Apolloism is as perspective-driven as Judaism, Islam, Christianity and the earlier chthonic cults from which they derive. To wit, in a healthy form, it considers itself a fast enemy and rival of these cults as much as they an enemy of it. After all, each of the Abrahamic faiths are forms of the vine of Bacchus or the Dragon Python.

Indeed Apolloism is as perspective-driven as Judaism, Islam, Christianity and the earlier chthonic cults from which they derive. To wit, in a healthy form, it considers itself a fast enemy and rival of these cults as much as they an enemy of it. After all, each of the Abrahamic faiths are forms of the vine of Bacchus or the Dragon Python.

In Judaism, at its esoteric core, this is understood. Again, they know themselves to be the Vine and the Serpent as this study reveals. That Apollo is a demon in the Abrahamic faiths, if only, for inexpressible fear, esoterically alluded to, makes these faiths by dint of this alone likewise “polytheistic.” That Apolloism is the clearest headed and most intelligent cult, possessing not a shred of superstition, means that it will attract the most intelligent and talented, the rulers of the future.


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