The Bride Gathering Cult Part V: The Overvaluation of the Jewess & Racial Pride as Sexual Attractants

The Matrilineal Ruse is part of a broader “stock overvaluation” of the Jewess appearing in the propaganda of Judaism. This disingenuous, disproportionate veneration not only increases an external sense of the Jewess’ value, it likewise increases the confidence and magnetism of the more sexually available Jewess well beyond its natural level. By this method, the male Jew gains a “willing” bargaining chip, with which to “trade” for cheapened yet higher value Aryan stocks in a crashing sexual market.

Likewise the Jewess serves as a key or entry token to an Aryan sexual market. Indeed, Men, still possessing racial sovereignty, will be amenable to opening themselves to out groups where the perceived value of the women matches or exceeds their own. The sexualized nature of the Jewess often increases her perceived value in such interactions. The Jewess also becomes a red-herring or distraction for Aryan men whom might otherwise seek eugenically fit Aryan women.

The Jewess serves as a key or entry token to an Aryan sexual market. Indeed, Men, still possessing racial sovereignty, will be amenable to opening themselves to out groups where the perceived value of the women matches or exceeds their own.

Though we are against compatibility here, it must be remarked, there is nevertheless an incompatibility between Aryan men and Jewish women that is alluded to in contemporary JEM (Jewish Esoteric Moralization). On one hand, the Jewess, reacting to Jewish propaganda, artificially perceives herself as superior. On the other hand, the Aryan man, out of a natural instinct, perceives himself as superior. To be clear, he feels superior not as a man, as would be natural and unremarkable, but as racial stock.

To the extent he doesn’t feel superior, by some Christian or multicultural weaning, he confirms Jewish propaganda and becomes accessible to her, yet unattractive to her. Indeed, in many ways, through humbling creeds such as Christianity, Communism or Multiculturalism, the Jew has attempted to create a psychic eunuch of the Aryan male, so that, among other things, his women may live relatively unmolested among them. Here, again, we understand the Jew grants himself dispensation from these things because of his “Religion.”

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These difficult Jewesses, like egg-laying female cuckoo birds, push fleeing Jewish males back into the Aryan fold in search of more desirable brides.

Similar tensions of inferiority and superiority are resolved imperfectly between the Jewish male and Aryan female, through a famed Jewish servility and effeminacy vis-à-vis wives, whereby a Jewish indirectness is continued into a relationship. This leads to bad relationships and a subsequent generation of demanding Jewesses that have learned this behavior from uncurbed or unsatisfied mothers. So that no one gets the wrong idea, the “curb” here is a credible masculine behavior in general, which is both subtly intimidating and arousing to women. These difficult Jewesses, like egg-laying female cuckoo birds, push fleeing Jewish males back into the Aryan fold in search of more desirable brides.

Racial Pride and Elitism as Sexual Attractants

Conquest and protection are products of men. Ancestry as an idea is the final REM (Racial Esoteric Moralization) of these products. And this pride, as pride in family, as pride in individual traits, as all pride, naturally attracts women, except of course, as occurs today, when it is condemned by the larger society.

In the contemporary setting, the expression of Aryan pride is abhorred by women as well as most hoping to attract them. Yet this is only because, on the deepest level, Aryans as a race are subconsciously understood as vassal to Jews and the rest of humanity whom Jews have dared to place above them.

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For Jewish men to obtain Aryan women, through an instinct ingrained through their Religion, one of the objectives of Jewish men and Jewry generally is to demoralize surrounding Aryan competitors by any means available to them. The JEM is brimming with such examples.

Hence one who identifies himself as Aryan identifies himself as among the vanquished rather than in employ of the victors as is, of course, more desirable. As Jewish control weakens through its exposure, and a growing Aryan irritation makes resistance more viable, swelling Aryan pride once more becomes an attractant, directly in proportion to a perceived sense of probable victory against dominating adversaries.

In any case, for Jewish men to obtain Aryan women, through an instinct ingrained through their Religion, one of the objectives of Jewish men and Jewry generally is to demoralize surrounding Aryan competitors by any means available to them. The JEM is brimming with such examples.

This humiliation is developed Religiously, Culturally, economically and so forth. Christianity, whereby one is humbled before a Jewish god and Jewish apostles, is one vastly important example of this. This doubtlessly, as well, prepared the way for cultural, genetic and economic domination.

Both key propagandistic ideas, the notion that Jews are especially endogamous and that Judaism is continued through the maternal line, benefit the function of Semitic Bride Gathering. The promoted notion of Jewish endogamy, of an apparent group and tribal pride, itself functions as a lure to the desired Aryan breeding stock. This is Magnes or the “Magnetic God.”

This is particularly true where Jews have achieved a cultural dominance and Jewish pride persists as a permitted pride alongside the suppressed pride of Aryans. That non-Whites are also granted an insincere, enlarged pride, as obtained in “Multiculturalism,” serves only to further humiliate Aryans.

The male Aryan stock, provided it is proud and this pride is sanctioned in the larger culture exists invariably as the most desired breeding stock by far. Hence proud Jews, acutely aware of this phenomenon, position themselves well as “Whites” or ersatz Aryans among ashamed Aryans and non-Whites.

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The ersatz endogamy of Judaism functions as pseudo-elitism, directly in contradistinction to a Christianity, Communism or Multiculturalism which gropes desperately, unattractively for adherents. To the extent this ruse succeeds, men perceive Jewish men as leaders, women perceive them as desirable.

Likewise, the ersatz endogamy of Judaism functions as pseudo-elitism, directly in contradistinction to a Christianity, Communism or Multiculturalism which gropes desperately, unattractively for adherents. To the extent this ruse succeeds, men perceive Jewish men as leaders, women perceive them as desirable.

Importantly Jews are also typically with greater means than average or greater economic opportunity available through ethnocentric networks. In other words, however rich the individual Jew, he is, in any case, of a rich, providing “family.” Naturally, particularly as a demoralized and atomized Aryan type declines, this serves as a powerful attractant to women as well.


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